6 more quick improvements to apply to your website

We’ve looked at 6 tips and tricks to help your website remain fresh and current, and nowhere are 6 more ideas to ensure that your site keeps attracting – and retaining – high-quality visitors with the motivation to make a purchase.

1. Be inspired by the colors of nature

Deciding on the best color theme for your website is tricky, but choose a palette of colors inspired by nature, and you won’t go far wrong. Keep your camera to hand on nature walks, and take plenty of shots to inspire you with a color palette that will never fail to appeal to visitors.

2. Lose the sidebar

Last year The Next Web predicted that we would be losing extraneous clutter from our websites, including sidebars, which feature so prominently on numerous blogs. Sidebars are a distraction to the main body of the content on your site, so eliminate them and keep the focus on retaining the interest of your visitors.

3. Use whiteboards to aid the design process

Using a whiteboard allows team members to add their input before any web design takes place, avoiding false starts. Companies, who specialize in web design and development services can show you how collaboration during the design process ensures the most positive outcomes for your finished website.

4. Make your fonts bigger

If you’ve ever experienced the discomfort of trying to read tiny text on a webpage, then you’ll appreciate this tip. Make fonts bigger than you think they ought to be, particularly for headings and calls to action, to ensure they grab the visitor’s attention. Fonts should always be clear and legible, so consider your site visitors and make sure that they can read your content clearly without having to strain their eyes.

5. Stand back and squint

If you move back a distance from your computer and squint at the screen, you’ll get some idea of the main focus of your website as a visitor would see it for the first time. What stands out? What elements seem to disappear?

6. Let white space sing out

Sometimes the lack of any design feature is a feature in itself. Plenty of white space allows images and text to get their message across effectively, so ensure that there is plenty of it on your web pages.

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